Monday, November 3, 2008

Slow down and speed up

Ahh, yes, happy halloween everyone! For someone who enjoys creepy things as much as myself, Im really not a halloween person. Actually, to be fair, Ide say Im a halloween person (the atmosphere, the candy, the people watching) but im not a dressing up person. I dont know what it is, I just dont like putting on a goofy costume.
Anyway, to the film =) So far, things have gone very smooth. Ive tackled a couple things that had me worried from the start. Grass being one. Which is looking great! Most of the modeling is done. A lot of the texturing is under way.
I've decided to take things much slower than my last film. This film is a lot more personal for me. I feel like all the practice, all the studying, all the dreaming should go into this film, as the story and subject really has become dear to my heart.
With this said, I have bumped the projected finish date to February 09. Just one month. But im not going to kill myself getting it down before then.
I'll have some pictures up soon.

Concept art - Characters 100%, Environment 100%
Story/Script - 70%
Modeling Characters - Mr Scrim 100%, Ms. Scrim 30%, Flying Critter 100%
Modeling Environment - 90%
Rigging - 25%
Texturing Char - 70%
Texturing Env - 10%
Lighting - 15%
Animation - 0%
Compositing - 0%