Monday, August 10, 2009

The End'ish

Its been a while since I updated. Ive been stuck in editing hell. Its amazing how much passion and excitement I lose towards the end of a project. I went through the same thing with my last film "Iz". I don't know what it is. Maybe its because I know the marketing/promotion part is coming up, or maybe its because I'm afraid to end a project, like a father sending his kid off to college, or maybe its that I'm scared to let the world judge this baby that Ive created. I don't know, but whatever it is, it is.
With that said, the film is basically complete. There are a few musical notes to address, but beyond that, I have a finished 9 minute film that I am very proud of.
I've said this from the very beginning of doing these short films. My main goal is to get better. I don't expect these things to win academy awards, Ive never been someone who is the best at something, but i'm proud to say that i'm almost always the person who works the hardest at something. That's what this is, me working hard so that someday I can direct a feature film. "The Lonely Mr. Scrim" is a giant step in the right direction. The writing is better, the cinematography is a million times better then my last film, the timing is better, the transitions feel natural, the characters are interesting. This is a film that I am proud of. Whether it does well on the festival circuit is not the point, hell, I doubt I'll even find the money to send it to festivals, the point is that it was another step in the right direction. Ok, i'm done with the self targeted pep talk. I'll post again soon with some conclusions and festival news.

Thanks for reading! That means you Holly, Mom, and Dad and maybe that weird guy I met at the store who asked me what I do. =)



Andrew Lee said...

Uhm...and me too...when I'm bored enough :)

Congrats man... someday I'll get one finished myself. Just not enough hours in the day these days :)

When can I see it??????

simovici said...

Very nice animation. I liked the story story, beautiful lighting and textures. All the best